Saturday, January 16, 2010

Low Income Dental Plans Dental Insurance Plans For Low-income People?

Dental insurance plans for low-income people? - low income dental plans

I can not pay (my dental work) and should as soon as possible. Is there a dental plan that I could clearly help?


msblack2... said...

Yes is girrrrl directly to the community clinic in your area and if u can get an appointment by phone, dental insurance is cheap as 300 a month. Who the hell can that greenhouse gas emissions per gallon make is about 30 now. lemme know if u get cuz i gat a cavity of the F-in the world. Believe me, I feel your pain (unless the front teeth Ure has been removed) thats so f-ed up

FORNIDO said...

Go here: You will save a lot of money, and you do not have to wait. / Husky

Happily married said...


S_Gnat said...

Comfort Dental, I found quite reasonable. You pay only $ 100 and includes the cleaning and gives a deep discount on everything you might need. They are willing to work with a payment plan. You have room for everything, so you can come and talk to one of the people living there and they can give you an idea of what can and what is not solved.

Grandma8... said...

Hello, I know what that means, we were not sure either ... I have a web company, including dental services for only 19.95 per month, we saved 80% off dental. For more information, please contact me at

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